Recyclable materials through bioconversion

Recyclable materials through bioconversion

GMBU e.V. focuses on the recovery of valuable materials through bioconversion. Among other things, waste materials can be used as starting materials that can be converted back into products or raw materials for further processing, but other materials can also be profitably converted as substrates.
Composting is a well-known method of biological conversion, but not all materials are suitable for this process. To test the biodegradability of novel bioplastics, for example, composting tests are carried out at GMBU e.V. and the composting behavior of the materials used is evaluated.
In addition to sensible waste recycling, attention must also be paid to the use of efficient input materials for energy generation. Anaerobic and aerobic degradation processes make a significant contribution to this. Reliable tests, which GMBU e.V. specializes in developing, are essential. The process of biogas formation is influenced by many factors, but it is often time-consuming and cost-intensive to investigate such influences using conventional methods. With “GärOnA”, GMBU e.V. has developed a compact and flexible system for the controlled performance of fermentation tests with online analytics on a laboratory scale, which makes it possible to determine the biogas formation potential and thus the efficiency of a substrate under the prevailing conditions.
Project: “GärOnA”
Project partner: Individual project
Duration: 01.04.2012 – 30.06.2014
Project sponsor: EURONORM GmbH on behalf of the BMWi

In particular, biogas plants contribute to the generation of thermal energy in combined heat and power plants (CHP). However, if a CHP plant is not in operation, the heat supply is interrupted. In order to turn a biogas plant into a reliable heat supplier, GMBU e.V., together with its partners, bue-Anlagentechnik GmbH and Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, is working on a solution for continuous heat supply by integrating a thermophilic secondary fermentation process in the “ThermoFlex” project.
Project: “ThermoFlex”
Project partners: bue Anlagentechnik GmbH; ifak system GmbH; CORDES + WINTERBERG GbR; Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences
Duration: 01.02.2016 – 31.08.2018
Project sponsor: DLR on behalf of the BMBF

Digestate is a waste product of the biogas process, which still offers potential for utilization. In the “Pyrobiogas” project, GMBU e.V. is researching the pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) of these and other residues in cooperation with the Institute for Non-Classical Chemistry (INC) and Hallesche Wasser und Stadtwirtschaft (HWS), among others. Plastics, food waste and sewage sludge are also to be used to recover valuable materials and energy in the form of pyrolysis coke, pyrolysis oil, HTC coal and synthesis gas.
Project: “Pyrobiogas”
Project partner: Individual project
Duration: 01.06.2019 – 31.12.2020
Project sponsor: Burgenlandkreis on behalf of the BMWI

GMBU e.V. also has extensive expertise in the field of wastewater treatment. The process predominantly used in Germany is the activated sludge process, in which unwanted residues are removed by microorganisms.