Project “DermUVSens”

Project “DermUVSens”

The aim of the project cooperation with the Charité Berlin and the companies Silicann Systems GmbH and Courage+Khazaka electronic GmbH was to develop and test a combined UV-LED based fluorescence and remission spectrometer system for the reliable, point-by-point diagnosis of malignant skin tumors. With the help of fiber optic measuring probes, diode array spectrometers and multivariate evaluation methods, ex vivo measurements on around 10 samples showed that, relative to healthy surrounding skin, tryptophan fluorescence increases, NADH fluorescence decreases and oxyhemoglobin concentration increases in NMSC (non-melanoma skin cancer) lesions.

BMBF Zwangig20 – Advanced UV for Life, FKZ: 03ZZ0110B