Home > Fachsektionen > Jena > Innovationsfelder > Spektroskopie und Medizintechnik > Project „OptiGebra“
Freezer burn is the drying out of frozen goods by sublimation, which starts on the surface and gradually moves deeper over time. In the “OptiGebra” project, an opto-sensory detection method was developed that can be used to quickly, safely and objectively determine whether frozen meat has been damaged by freezer burn. The aim was to detect freezer burn before thawing, as an inspection after thawing takes a very long time and an additional thawing process reduces the quality of the meat. To achieve this goal, a commercial color sensor was combined with a special fiber optic measuring probe. The probe uses the measuring geometry of the so-called photon banana, which only detects light that is scattered multiple times in the sample volume. In the case of freezer burn damage, the color sensor detects a shift in the color value towards more red and less blue compared to an intact sample. The process principle was developed and demonstrated using the example of chicken breast meat, which is particularly prone to freezer burn damage due to its high water content. In a final evaluation of the detection accuracy of the developed demonstrator, an overall sample classification accuracy of 90% was achieved. The result is a cost-effective and automated new process principle that is of interest to the catering industry, retail, butchers and the transport industry.
INNO-KOM MF, FKZ: 49MF210189
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