Spectroscopic diagnostics in medical engineering

Spectroscopic diagnostics in medical engineering

Spectral diagnostics in medical engineering is based on the interaction of light with absorbers such as hemoglobin, melanin or water in the skin. In reflectance spectroscopy, broadband irradiation is used. This radiation is scattered and absorbed in the tissue and the light scattered back from the skin can, after spectral decomposition, be correlated with factors such as the melanin content of the skin or the water content in the tissue.

In fluorescence spectroscopy, fluorescence is excited using narrow-band radiation. Above all, fluorophores such as trypthophan, NADH or collagen can be measured here.

Spectral imaging reflectance spectroscopy on wounds, above light guide probe with measuring device, below left photo of the wound, below right intensity distribution for mean wound score
Fluorescence excitation emission matrix of skin